"We're all mad here"

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Confessions of a real teen girl is back!

Yes, my dear little readers, i know. I was gone for a very long time. But i was getting my stuff straightened out and starting up school again and i figured, whatever, i'll just delete my blog. Well thank god for the undelete button! Because I realized, I like posting on here and I like being able to share whatever comes to mind. Appropriate or not. So I'm back my dears, but there will be a few changes. I will not be posting regularly, not like I ever really did, but this will be even less so. I have a very full schedule with school, so homework always comes first. Sorry. Next, I need feedback! Please, I know like 195 people have read me, give me some of you, please! I love you guys even though I don't know you, but I want you to know me. And that is what this blog is, me sharing what I know with you guys. And I would love for you guys to share what you know with me. That would be amazing. Alrighty, next, I might get racy, I might cuss, I might get emotional or angry or have feelings. Deal with me and come with me as I share this stuff. And plus I'll always have how-tos and OMG guess what happened todays. Or song reviews, or book reviews or recipes. There will always be something new. Now my little lovelies, time for you to decide, should I actually come back? I love you all, have a fun saturday/sunday depending on where you're living! :D

Friday, July 26, 2013

'Ello there!

So I know, I'm a bad person. I haven't been on to blog in forever! But just so you know, I have been busy. Between redoing my hallway closet, babysitting, working on a school project, AP homework, and just plain chilling, I've been awfully busy. But here is a post that should tide you over a little bit :)

So one of my best friends had been dating this guy for the past year, actually over a year. And they were an awesome couple, they worked together in the relationship, it wasn't just one side putting in the effort. She let him hang out with his friends, and he let her hang out with hers. And he would even come with her to some of her friends parties, even though not all us liked him, he would go to make her happy. And they were cute too. So then, in June, he suddenly says, I don't feel a spark anymore. Lets break up, because I don't want to hurt you. Okay fair enough, maybe he just doesn't feel anything, I mean they've been together for a year, maybe he got bored or something. It wasn't even that he wasn't getting any though, they were having sex! Anyway they broke up. They talked about it after and decided to be best friends. So then this week, he gets a new profile picture. Its of him and some chick. My friend gets a little angry, but oh well, maybe they're just friends right. Wrong. Then yesterday, I get a message saying, Hes in a relationship with the girl in the pic, and I'm all...Fuck no, he cheated on her while they were in the relationship and that's why he broke up with her. I didn't tell her that though. So then she messaged him and is all, guess you never loved me and blah blah blah, and he goes, well I didn't come on to her, she came on to me. BS, right? Anyway the moral of this long and drawn out story, is that every relationship comes with the things guys and girls should always do, and should never do. And each of those was apparent in there relationship. So here is my small list of dating do's and don'ts.

  1. Do always listen to your partner. Even if you're really not interested in what they're saying, just listen, because it might either come up later when he/she asks about what you two were talking about, or it might give you some insight on them or just give you guys something to talk about in general. I know some people do not like gossip, but sometimes it might be funny to know that so and so when they were having sex with so and so like sprained there something or another. ;)
  2. Do things that you might not always be interested in, but they are. They want to go see a entirely action packed, car chase filled movie, do it. Hell even ask if they want to go see it. Its just something for you two to do together that's fun for at least one of you and makes him/ her happy.
  3. Do let them hang out with there friends. If they want to go hang out with there buddies, let them, if he gets up to mischief, then he does. You are not his/her mother, or even in control of him/her. If they want to hang out somewhere where there is people of the opposite sex, let them. Trust them to not do anything stupid, if he/she does do something stupid. Then its there own problem because they missed out on having a great relationship with you.
  4. You guys are partners in the relationship. Its not always up to one person to plan the dates, same as its not always up to one person to buy the chocolate on valentines day. Share the love!
  1. Don't ever have two partners at the same time because chances are one of your friends will let something slip, or they'll meet eachother, or something will happen and you'll be single.
  2. Don't cheat. If you find yourself falling for another person, break up with the first one because if you truly loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second one.
  3. Don't ever try to cover your sorry ass with a lie because somehow you will get found out. And don't make up a BS response to why you suddenly have a new partner. We all know you were scoping her out long before.
  4. Don't ever put up with an abusive relationship. You're always going to think, I know he/she is better than this. He/she is a better person. He/she brings me flowers after. He/she says sorry. We have great make-up sex. And you will probably say this until the day you end up in the hospital. Or even after that, when you go back to him/ her because they said sorry and they "really" seemed like they mean it. Hell in your head you will probably think when he/she is screaming in your ear and hitting you and abusing you, this isn't him/ her. But it is and that will always be a part of them. It doesn't mean you have to put up with it.
That's all for today. Have a lovely day my dears!  Love you all!

Sunday, July 21, 2013


I'm so sorry guys, I promise I'll do a real post soon, but for now here is an amazing song done by George Morgan, just another Youtube artist, but this song is good! Sounds like a lot of songs on the radio lately. Here ya go!
(the video is done by Sawyer Hartman, who does short films and vlogs and such on youtube)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Goodness there has been to many deaths lately.
RIP Trayvon Martin Find out more here
Talia Castellano Find out more here
Cory Monteith Find out more here
There you all go. I hope that they're all happy where they are and really, I hope that Zimmerman will pay for what he did. I will not go into politics ever on this blog and that is the most I will ever say on this topic. I hope there families are doing well and that while they were all living that they lived happy lives.
I wish you well to anyone else who has lost a family member, friend, acquaintance, enemy, or animal. Or even imaginary friend, RIP to all of them. Love you all and I will post something less depressing soon :)

Inspiration journal

So I finally figured out what I can fo to make up for not doing Thursdays post! This is something I just started today and I call it
Inspiration Notebook!

So yeah, I will give captions along with my pics! Love ya!

So start with a journal. It should be relatively large because your gonna put cut outs in it.
So now I added a cover page/title. You don't have to do this, or you can make it look a lot more inventive than mine :)

So here is just one of my pages. On the left I put a bunch of images that I thought were cool
and then on the left I put a central image and then quotes, you can work the=is however you want. You can take images of friends, magazine cut outs, writing, anything at all. Be Creative!
Most of all, Have fun! Good luck!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Idk guys...

I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WRITE! So Imma gonna put up my favorite picture that I draw all the time! I put it in all of my friends yearbooks :)
There ya go! Have fun with that, draw something or somethin'! love ya


            OMG, I was just on vacation and I couldn’t blog, I feel bad. So we are going to skip Thursday, because I am not sure how much I like the how-to thing, and move on to Saturday and Monday. So this post, Saturdays post, will be about boys! We all know what they are correct? If not here are a few defenitions to get you started:
Dictionary: A male child or young man
Urban Ductionary:
11.  an animal that can talk” (why do you want to know)
22.“the most wonderful things on earth... espesically the sweet ones... and the cute ones... they sometimes turn though and become meanies that make you cry” (blondie4495)
33. “A male. A child under 18 with a penis and testicals” (Haleigh)
Thanx lovely contributors to Urban Dictionary, you make part of this post possible!
Me: They are a human with a penis and balls. They grow chest hair and facial hair and have something in between there legs that drop when they hit puberty. These are called balls by the way. They can be manipulative, annoying, frustrating, hurtful, perverted, and childish. But they can also be caring, sweet, hugable, kissable, not to mention hot. There are all different kinds of boys. Short ones, tall ones, skinny ones, fat ones, in between ones, and no matter what there is a boy to fit your paticular fancy.
            So there are a few definitions, but still you’re confused! What makes up a guy? Now I just realized that I said to be a guy, you have to have a dick in your pants. I didn’t mean that, sorry. Being a guy is more than that part of you. Its what goes on your head as well. If I was a guy and knew what the inside of a guys head was like I’d tell you all about how we’re all different, but I’m not sure how. All is sometimes a guy, isn’t a guy on the outside, but really its whats inside that counts. Anyway onto how you are still confused on what guys look like, what they act like. And I can’t tell you exactly what they act like, all I know is that they pee standing up and in there restrooms there isn’t stalls for pissing, they all go to urinals. So then wouldn’t it be if they wanted to compare dicks that they could just look over? Everyone must check eachother out in restrooms.

            I know that would mean there homo, but everyone does it. Girls look at other girls and go, “OMG, her outfit is so cute!” Or “Holyshit, that chicks boobs were not that big yesterday!” Anyway, sorry, off topic and this post is getting long. So back to your confusion. Guys look like this:
 K, so here is an example of a nerdy guy. See glasses. This can also be construed as hipster. This is a cute nerdy guy, I should of put up a picture of Darrin Criss as well. :P Too bad (This is Andrew Garfield, by the way)
 Here is a guy, where if any girl saw him walking down the street would fall over in extreme sexual need. I mean holy shit, can you say attractive?? (This is Channing Tatum)
 Here is your typical jock. See Letterman jacket. Not all jocks wear these, but most will have some kid of sports attire on at some point. (this is some guy from glee)
 They can have green eyes. These green eyes are really attractive. Holy shit nuggets.
 Here is a scene/emo guy. Sometimes the either the most shelled in or the most emotional of the bunch. Have amazing hair! (This is Kellin Quinn)
Some guys have brown eyes and really cocky looks on there faces. Holy shit his face looks like, I think I'm so attractive and I know you want to fuck me. Um, no? (This is Taylor Lautner)
Some guys have blue eyes! This guy looks like a total cutie and his eyes are amazing! :)
And some guys just have this amazing smile. (This is Heath Ledger)
So, my lovelies, Thats all for this post. My definition of guys! Love ya, buh-byes!

Monday, July 1, 2013


            So I said that I would do a food post, and here it is my dears! So first of all, a little about my life with food. (I said this blog would involve confessions didn’t I?) So in the 7th grade, I thought I was fat. I weighed less than 100 lbs. I was not in any way fat, but because a guy was being a dick and told me I was. (Kat if your reading this, don’t call me right that second, I will most likely be asleep :P) So I refused to eat lunch and barely any breakfast. I got down to about 8-0 something pounds. Now I know that doesn't soundbad, but it was because I had zero self confidence in myself even when I weighed 8o something pounds. Went on for a whole year. Once he left, let’s call him Dickwad for the remainder of this blog. So once Dickwad left, I felt a little better, but not much. But I did eat lunch again, thus gaining weight. I got to about 120 lbs. and that’s where I have stayed. But consider this. I am 5 ft tall, have 32 D boobs, and a bubble butt. I think I’m fine. So lesson learned here, do not listen to the Dickwads in your life. They’re everywhere! You just have to learn how to deal with them and ignore them.
            So back to my relationship with food. I fucking love it. I want to marry food, but then I would have to have sex with it or something and that’s no good…no good at all. Imagine having sex with sushi, can you say ew! Hahaha jk jk. Alrighty, putting on my serious face. -_- Now if I were to list all my favorite foods and restaurants, I would have to take up an entire blog. One post on Burgers, one on chinese food, one on Deep Fried Twinkies, You get the picture. This post is going to be on my favorite foods of each food group, deserves a headline dontcha think?
Favorite Foods of Each Food Group!!
Grains: Bread! It doesn’t matter what kind, I just Love it!
Dairy: oh this one is hard…I’ll have to go with ice cream cuz I’m not the biggest fan of milk but I do love Ice Cream!...or cheese! OMG I LOVE CHEESE!!! Any cheese, string cheese, mozzarella, chedder, goat cheese, lamb cheese, hell even blue cheese! Just fucking amazing.
Meat: Pork chops…Idk y, they’re just yummy. Especially with apples! 
Fish: had to split meat and fish up, I can’t choose between D: SUSHI!! ‘Nuf said.
Fats, oils, and sweets: How can I choose? Lets go with Deep Fried Twinkies :D You are all staring at the screen in disgust aren’t you? And after my long heartfelt story about my year dealing with thinking I’m fat your probably thinking wtf, this girl lies. No I am not lying, they are the best, but I only discovered them after I stopped caring bout all the weight shit. They are sweet and yummy and I only have them when I go to the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz. No judgement on this blog!
Fruit: raspberries…or pineapple….or mango…or peaches….or apricots…or blackberries…or strawberries…HOLY SHIT why are there so many fruits! D:
Veggies: Peas! Idk y, they’re just yummy! Have you ever tried them while they’re still frozen? They’re actually really good! Well if it wasn’t peas, it would probably be either tomatoes (technically a fruit, but whatever) or cucumber.

Alrighty well, there’s that post. I’ll probably do another one somewhere down the line. So talk to me, whats your favorite food? Have you ever had issues eating, talk to me my dears! I loves yous!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hey my little lovelies!

‘Ello my little Lovelies! Today's topic is supposed to be all about you, but I have yet to get any comments or anything about you. Sad face. So instead I will do something that has you in it, my favorite site at the moment…well two sites, but the second one doesn't have you in the label. Can you guess which site I’m talking about? No, well here it is!

 The music/comedy/everything
video site!! I love it! So here is a synopsis of YouTube  If you have been living under a rock for forever and have never heard of it. Pretty much it’s a site where
·         Music artists and producers put up there videos
·         People sing cover songs in hopes to famous (Ever heard of Justin Beiber)
·         People put up posts of funny shit that happens in there lives
·         People make video blogs of stuff like
o   There lives
o   Food
o   Fashion
o   How to
These People have very high hopes of people noticing them. And people do, cuz they are fucking amazing! Like here's a few of my favorite youtubers  not music artists that is, that list would take fucking forever! So check these people out, you’ll be happy! JJ
·         Pointlessblogtv
·         Marcusbutlertv
·         Sam
·         Jenna Marbles
·         Caspar Lee
·         Zoella
·         Tyler Oakley
·         Jacksgap
·         Troye Sivan
·         Paint
o   Check out Harry Potter in 99 seconds! Amazing!
Now I said there was another site all about you and that is…

      Literally it is a blog site where you post pictures and quotes and videos and all those lovely things. People get to see your posts and they can follow your blog or just heart your posts or even re-blog your posts! It’s a very creative site, and everyone can just be themselves on it J  My favorite blog is id-rather-have-food! Holy shit she puts up amazing food pictures! I just drool. Anywayz I hope you enjoyed this post and if ya did, comment or email me. Do something, I want to here from you so I don’t have to do another random post like this! Watch out if you don’t comment Imma gonna start talking bout boys and you don’t wanna get me started on that shit! Tata 4 now ;)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jean Purses!

Hey there! Its How to Thursday and Imma gonna show you how to do what I do best! Jean Purses! Here are my lovely step by step instructions.
1.      Take a pair of old jeans and cut off the legs. (If these are wide leg jeans, this will work a lot better, then you only need to use one leg and the other can be used for a strap.)
2.      Take one leg and split it at the seam. Now you have a fat and long piece of denim fabric.
3.      Take your fabric and fold it in half hot dog style. The even out the fabric so it’s a rectangle.
4.      Take the fabric and cut it along the short side about in half, or however big you want your purse to be. (Your jean is a rectangle, cut the short side of the rectangle.)
5.      Take the two halves of your cut denim and sew them together on three sides. You might want a sewing machine.
6.      So now you have a purse with an unfinished top, so just fold over the top so that the unfinished part is inside of the purse and hem.
7.      Now you need a strap. I leave my straps unfinished, but you can hem it if you like. Cut a length of denim from your other pant leg to the length you wish your strap to be. If you want a really long strap, sew two pieces together. Then take the two ends of the strap and sew each to the corners of the purse.
8.      Now you technically have a purse, but what I like to do is color on them with fabric markers and sharpies and just make them mine. :) Be creative!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Its Monday!

    If it wasn't summertime I would be so sad right now, who likes Mondays? Anyway so as we know today is the life post, that sounds just so heavy. :( But it shouldn't be! Anyway, today's topic is...wait for it......
      Yes I know that doesn't sound entertaining. Yes I know it’s summertime; no I am not trying to ruin your summer. But really what else are you supposed to do when your tanning. Or when its one of those weird days, and it’s raining. Oh why thank you, I love that you would rather read my blog. You’re so sweet. But really there are some great books out there! We just have to find one you like, so here is secret agent Brina on the case to find books for the world!  So here are my top 5 books! (The summary has been stolen from goodreads, but the commentary is genuine)
1.      Goose Girl by Shannon Hale:
     a.      Summary (Thanks Goodreads.com, checkout the site!): Anidori-Kiladra Talianna Isilee, Crown Princess of Kildenree, spends the first years of her life under her aunt's guidance learning to communicate with animals. As she grows up Ani develops the skills of animal speech, but is never comfortable speaking with people, so when her silver-tongued lady-in-waiting leads a mutiny during Ani's journey to be married in a foreign land, Ani is helpless and cannot persuade anyone to assist her. 
Becoming a goose girl for the king, Ani eventually uses her own special, nearly magical powers to find her way to her true destiny. Shannon Hale has woven an incredible, original and magical tale of a girl who must find her own unusual talents before she can become queen of the people she has made her own.
     b.      What I think: One of my most favorite books of all time!! It is in the fantasy genre, but the characters are extremely realistic and you begin to feel very close to them. The story line draws you in with plot twists and exciting adventures! There is a little romance but its not overwhelming, just adds to the book. Definitely a must read!
2.      Firefight by Kate Wild:
     a.      Summary (Thanks again Goodreads!): Freedom Smith is feeling the heat! Kate Wild's reluctant hero returns for a new high-speed, hard-hitting, techno-adventure.Recruited into a black ops unit after bringing down an illegal fight club, Freedom Smith is now an agent for Phoenix, investigating criminal underworlds. His next assignment: Solve the mystery of the Screamer--a viral video that's already made 13 kids vanish. Freedom faces the music, soon finding himself imprisoned in a nightmare fortress. To escape, he'll have to master Dragon Fire, the ultimate fighting technique, and battle a supernatural enemy immune to his strength. Freedom may be on the ropes, but he'd better rally--his girl Java is about to be sacrificed to a serpent goddess!
    b.      What I think: K, this summary makes the book sound really lame. But it is not I promise! It has action and romance (not really, but hey if you want it!), and a pretty trippy story line. Also a really kick ass sidekick, his dog. Who by the way is amazing! The girl is not in anyway weak, so that also makes me happy! Yay Kick ass girls! The male character, Freedom, is pretty cool too, with his super strength and all. So over all a good action book, lots of fighting. Loved it a lot :)
3.      Schooled by Gordan Korman:
     a.      Summary (Goodreads, what would I do without youJ):Home schooled by his hippie grandmother, Capricorn (Cap) Anderson has never watched television, tasted a pizza, or even heard of a wedgie. But when his grandmother lands in the hospital, Cap is forced to move in with a guidance counselor and attend the local middle school. While Cap knows a lot about tie-dyeing and Zen Buddhism, no education could prepare him for the politics of public school
     b.      What I think: This book is hilarious!! Sadly it is no longer a part of my bookshelves because it was worthy of actually giving to someone else. I kinda want it back, is that sad or what? I really shouldn't have given it away because it is an amazing read. Along with all the rest of the books on this list, the characters are great especially Cap. He is so damn innocent, it’s just great. And if you’re looking for a quick read, this is also perfect. Anyway, stupendous (see what I did there, mixing up the words ) book, good writing, and good characterization.
4.      The Witches by Roald Dahl:
     a.      Summary (Have I made it clear yet to go look at Goodreads.com?): This Roald Dahl classic tells the scary, funny and imaginative tale of a seven-year-old boy who has a run-in with some real-life witches! "In fairy tales witches always wear silly black hats and black cloaks and they ride on broomsticks. But this is not a fairy tale. This is about REAL WITCHES. REAL WITCHES dress in ordinary clothes and look very much like ordinary women. They live in ordinary houses and they work in ordinary jobs. That is why they are so hard to catch." Witches, as our hero learns, hate children. With the help of a friend and his somewhat-magical grandmother, our hero tries to expose the witches before they dispose of him.
     b.      What I think: I read this book when I was like in 2nd grade and I have read it probably 100 times since. I love this book more than…deep fried Twinkies, watch out next Monday will be on Food ;) Anyway, yes this book is a “childs” book. But like any Roald Dahl book, it is really for any age. And personally, I like it more now, than I did then. Kinda get it a bit more. Anyway, Roald Dahl as always uses his insane imagination and drags you in. A must must read!
5.      A Corner of The Universe by Ann M. Martin:
     a.      Summary (I feel like a walking commercial. I am not thanking them again): Hattie Owen enjoys peaceful Millerton summertime’s with "houses nodding in the heavy air," being in charge of Miss Hagerty's breakfast tray at her parents' boardinghouse, and drinking lemonade on the porch after supper. Yet this year, it's different -- Hattie's uncle Adam is coming home. Returning from a Chicago school that's just closed and whose existence is kept quiet by adult family members, Adam is a 21-year-old man with a child's mind, having a knack for talking quickly, a savant-like ability for remembering weekdays, and a passion for I Love Lucy. Hattie and Adam wind up spending precious time together -- including a visit to the recently arrived carnival with Hattie's new friend, Leila -- which makes her feel soulfully connected to her uncle, especially when he declares that she's "one of the people who can lift the corners of our universe." But when Hattie takes Adam on the Ferris wheel one night, it sets off dramatic events that lead Hattie's family to strengthen its bonds and changes her life's outlook.
     b.What I think: To put this out there, I never cry over books. Literally ever. And I bawled. The only time I cry over books is when I’m really pmsing, and I wasn't at the time. There’s just this one part and I just cried like a child. It is a powerful read though and a great plot line  You connect to the characters and just want to be there with them and hold them. And all that stuff when a writer does his/her job and you just absorb into the book. Definitely belongs on anyone’s top 5.

Okay, so this is just a small glimpse into my happy fantasy world of books! I love them, if you couldn't tell. Anyway I hope at least one of these appeals to you, and comment if you have a favorite book or books. Or if you read one of these, anything at all. Anyway love you, and I’ll talk to you again Thursday! ;) 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

jeez, I'm so sorry!

   Oh my god I'm so sorry! I have not posted in ages! D: So what day is today? Sunday? Ummmm, Okay heres a post that should have gone up on Saturday, and you'll have one tomorrow too, promise. :)

Even if you’re a guy, you still might find this one interesting, it’s all about these milk sacs that sit on a girl’s chest that people find ridiculously attractive. Breasts. Boobies. Tatas. Tits. Hooters. Knockers. And there is a million other ways to say it. My personal favorite is just the straight up, boobs. My dirty friends like to say tits. (We all know who those people are, the ones that just try and get a reaction by using the dirtiest form of the word.)
                So first, while we’re on the subject of what boobs really are, here are a few definitions:
                Dictionary: Either of the two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a woman's body that secrete milk after pregnancy
                Urban dictionary (There are many definitions of boobs, I picked two of the weirdest, funniest: Things that make guys and the occasional chick do whatever the bearer of them wishes. They can bring great power and pleasure to whoever owns them, depending on how good they look. (Given by enigma pie on urban dictionary)
A mind control device for women to use against men. (Given by Hi I’m Matt Biatch on Urban Dictionary)
                My definition: Not a device used to control minds, fleshy objects used to nurse babies and to attract the male species eyes. Sometimes used to get attention, or to distract from anything else going on. See 10 Things I hate About You (movie with Heath Ledger) if you want to see what I mean.
                So boobs…according to the two guys on Urban Dictionary hold some magical power. Sorry to break it to you but they don’t, the only thing controlling you as you’re staring down a girls tatas, is you’re raging hormones. So if you’re in the middle of a math test and just happen to look to the side of you and spot a girls boobs; it is not her boobs that make you flunk your test. It’s your mind struggling to keep your boner in your pants. ;)
                For all of us girls who actually have these fleshy objects on our chests here are some tips about them. If you have some tips for me, just go on and message me or comment. J
1.       The small boobs (AA-A): Personally, I wish I was part of this category. I mean look at models, all of them have small boobs. Think of all the backless numbers you can wear, because guess what, you don’t have to wear a bra! Don’t worry about wearing those “add two cup sizes” bras, just weirds people out anyway. One day you have boobs, next day you don’t. This is not the same as putting on a sports bra, by the way, those are meant to make your boobs look small, and who would want to be jumping around with the boobs flying everywhere anyway? Anywayz back to having small boobs, here’s tip number one, do not wear those gain a million cup sizes bras. Unless, of course, you’re going out clubbing, and are never going to see them again. The wear away, but to high school, don’t do it. Next tip, Find the cutest backless shirt/ dress and wear it around your big boobed friends. Guarantee compliments, because they cannot do that! Us big boobs have to wear a stupid bra or else we’re just flopping all over the place! Argh! Anyway biggest tip here is, don’t listen to asshole guys. When guys think boobs they think pornography status, all perfectly round, perky, and large. It is your job to show them that you are not only your boobs! And to say, “Hey man, I have tits, and they are much better than your moobs.” Go for it.
2.       Medium boobs (B-C): Well here you are middle children of the group. You do not have monster titties, but you do have boobs, enough so you have to wear a bra. So whats my tip, Make your cleavage shine J I know that sounds weird, especially when you think of the advice I gave to the small boobs. But they have it good, they’re boobs don’t bounce everywhere while they’re running, they don’t have to wear bras, its simple! Except for the fact that they sometimes get teased for having no boobs, that’s not good. But for you guys what do you do, you don’t have such large boobs that you can just let them go and speak for themselves…well actually you can because personally I think that the medium sized boobs are just fine, you have enough boobs so they aren’t cumbersome! But anyway that is my one tip, cleavage my dears. To do that, you do not need a push up bra, that just gives the illusion that you have much bigger boobs, and that just weirds guys out, when one day you have boobs and the next day you don’t :P Anywayz, what I do, is wear a bra that is one size to small, tuck my boobs in enough so that the nipple isn’t showing but the fleshy part is, and the badabing! I have more cleavage! Anyway, theres my tip, but trust me beautiful, you don’t need it, you’re sexy the way you are!
3.       Big boobs! (D and up): You, my dears, have the boobs that everyone envies, because you don’t have to do nothing with ‘em! Just stick ‘em in a bra and your good! But I know its harder than that, back problems, no one looking at your face, its not fun. SO I can help with the second one ;), but the first one, I don’t know how to help. I’m a 32 D, so I lack those lovely back problems, but since my around is so small,I have a lot of cleavage, doesn’t help that my bra is one size to small either. So when I wear tank tops, its like honey, my eyes are up here…I should draw eyes on my boobs! Then it’ll be like they’re staring at my eyes…okay never mind that’d be weird, I’m tired, leave me alone. Anyway with my assistance to the second problem! I have three solutions. Heres what one of my friends do, when a guy is staring at her boobs, she leans down a little and stares at his dick. Or penis or whatever you like to call it. Makes the guy super uncomfortable. Then there is the classic, “Honey my eyes are up here.”  Last solution is to tell him, “Could you stop staring at my boobs, perv.” And walk away. He’ll feel hella embarrassed, with any of these and hopefully not do it again!
Hope I was helpful, and I will talk to you all tomorrow! Cuz today is Sunday and all J

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Soo i'm leaving in like 10 minutes :P

Yeah so I'm going to make this one quick! Here is the video of my favorite youtube how to! And your going to see what a dork I am! Anyway this video is super easy! I tried it, because I want to be red riding hood for Halloween, finished it in about 45 minutes, keep in mind I can sew relatively fast and have a sewing machine. But its really simple and fun!

Monday, June 10, 2013


I was going to do a post about the body, but I realized that's more of a Saturday topic. Since today is on life I might as well do something on something that is a big part of any teens life, music. So here is a list of 5 of my personal favorite songs (of this week) and why :)

  1. Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots, it reads like a poem and that is a big part of the reason why I like this. It has a deeper meaning, but I don't really care what that is, but to those of you that like deep songs, then there you go. He has a great rhythm (yes it is rap...sort of) and although it sadly does not have a great back beat, it does have good lyrics. "Sometimes quiet is violent." Is my personal favorite. :)

2. Lying is the Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off- Panic! at the Disco. This one is on here partly because I'm going on a Panic! at the Disco craze right now (Don't worry, I only put one of there songs on here), but also because  its a fun song. It is all about sex pretty much, definitely pg-13 here, but I has a good beat. Great to sing along to, with a catchy chorus.

3. Face Down- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. So not a happy song. Its basically about domestic violence, but it sings it catchily. which is kind of scary when you think about it. The song details the feeling of the girl, where she's all, this will never happen again, he said sorry, he won't hurt me again. Its a view from the outside as well. Its catchy and sad, and a very good song. Good lyrics.

4. Same Love- Macklemore X Ryan Lewis ft Mary Lambert. This is a song about Gay Rights, which I strongly support. No, I am not gay, but I believe in human rights, and gay people are not aliens. They are perfectly human thank you very much. Anyway Macklemore is a wonderful rapper, he raps with the music, not letting the music go with him. Its like hes talking and its just fantastic. And Mary Lambert's voice is haunting and beautiful. Plus it has great lyrics, which really helps, because it a rap, all about the lyrics ya know. Not one of those raps that repeats the same thing over and over again.
5. I Don't Wanna Be In Love- Good Charlotte. Here is the Anthem for all of us unlovers out there! Love is so overrated and exhausting.So Sing it, "I DON'T WANNA BE IN LOVE!" All that needs to be said. Anyway its a catchy song, good beat. And well i just like the chorus :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


            I can easily say that I have been a liar, and a successful one for a while. Now at this point you are disgusted with me, who likes liars right? Sometimes it’s necessary, and that’s me. I am a necessary liar; I do it to keep my friends, family, and self out of trouble. Now still lying is not a good thing, something I’d never advice on a consistent basis. But sometimes, like when your teacher is asking why you were late for class, you have to lie. This chapter is a guide to how to lie and also when not to. First, a little Safety Advisory.
Safety Advisory
These techniques have a high chance of getting you and/or your friends in trouble. They are not to be used on a regular basis; this makes you a compulsive liar. Do not be a compulsory liar; this will get you in more trouble. Being a necessary liar, although safer, is still risky. Do not try unless positive it will work.
The Compulsive liar (or what you never want to be): This is the person who whenever she/he says something you call another friend or check the internet to fact check whatever he or she is saying. You want to be believed when you talk, correct? So after you get caught in a few lies, your friends label you as a liar. This is no fun because
a.)    They don’t pay any attention to what you say
b.)    They don’t trust you
c.)    They kind of drift away and talk to you to other people about how you’re a liar, which gives you a bad reputation!
Nothing we want huh? Now there are a few ways to avoid the dreaded compulsive liarism.
1.      Make sure your lies are the same between person to person. Example, if you send a text to your friend saying that you’re sick, when you’re really going out with her ex-boyfriend, make sure you tell your other friends that you’re sick. If you lie like that though, you don’t get to gossip about the guy. Kind of a loss. So another example, you tell your teacher that you woke up late, but you were really getting a coffee, make sure that when you go sit with your friends you tell them that you woke up late, not that you got the most amazing latte at so and so coffee shop.
2.      If your lies involve your parents, make sure that you tell them. One of my friends was late coming to school because she was out with a boy at a doughnut shop. She comes into the office and says I woke up late, sorry. The problem is they had already called her mom and asked where she was and her mom told them that she dropped her off. She was in trouble. Another example is if you really don’t want to hang out with someone and you tell them someone in your family is hurt, or that your animal is hurt, or something that involves your parents, make sure you tell them. Because there is a possibility where your friend will see your parent at some point and ask, “oh how is so and so?” and your parental figure will not know what the hell they are talking about. Then you are left with a friend who is now hurt (because you won’t want to hang out with them) and her/him knowing that you, my friend, are a liar.
3.      Make it plausible. Do not say when someone asks what you did that weekend, that you went to the amusement park, met a cute guy/girl and made out with him/her for them majority of your stay at the park, if you really went to the park and gave a homeless man a dollar. Weave in the truth. Here’s an example of a conversation that wouldn’t work:
 Friend: Hey so where were you last night? We missed you!
You: Oh…I was just walking out the door when a big purple dinosaur flew right in front of me and offered me a ride on his back. Then we went on a journey across the world and I got gold from a leprechaun. I told him I needed to get back to my house but he just breathed fire and set half the world on fire, then I fell. And I landed on a centaurs back, but he wouldn’t give me a ride back home without me giving him the leprechauns money, so I did and by the time I got back to the house it was too late to go. Sorry.
Friend: You know, you could have just told me the truth. Glad I mean so much to you. Walks away angrily.
Now here’s what might work, but will not save feelings. (The truth)
                  Friend: Hey so where were you last night? We missed you!
                   You: I didn’t feel like hanging out.
Friend: Oh well, okay then. Walks away sadly, talks about you to other friends about                            how you don’t wanna hang.
Now if you want to make it a little more nice:
                    Friend: Hey so where were you last night? We missed you! 

                  You:   I couldn’t find a ride.
                  Friend: Oh no! Maybe next time then! Smiles, you to walk away together.
This option is like a white lie, you saved his/her feelings. That comes up more in reasons for lying.
4.      If you are telling a parent make sure they don’t know your tells. I know that my parents know my lying tells, well at least one of them does. According to him I look to the left when I lie. Here are some other tells, see if you do any of them!
a.      Touching the face
b.      Changing the face expression (I only do this when I’m letting someone know that I’m lying)
c.       Blinking rapidly
d.      Rubbing eyes
e.      Sweating (actually this is what lie detectors use)
f.        Shaking of the head
g.      Hesitating
h.      Fidgeting
i.        Leaning away
j.        Swallowing often
k.       Breathing faster
l.        Talking faster or slower
m.    Repeating same sentence
           See there are quite a few! Make sure that you are not obviously doing these.
The necessary liar: Any lying to some people is no good. But sometimes they work as to not get in trouble with someone other than your parents. Nowhere in here will I recommend lying to your parents, it doesn’t end well. The just know. The lie I personally do the most is the white lie. Example being (for girls) your friend has a flat butt, and she buys a cute pair of jeans and says, “Doesn’t my butt look great.” Now do you say, those jeans look great on you, but your butt is still flat. Or do you say Ohmigod yes! You look damn fine gurrrrlll!  All dem boys be looking at you. Another example, this time for boys, one of them has a let’s say a huge crush on a girl and he’s psyched because she talked to him for like 2 minutes because she was asking people to vote for her for class president. He says, “Hey man, I think she likes me too. She was talking to me an awful lot.” Do you say, no she was just trying to butter you up so you’d vote for her? Or do you say, oh yeah, she was definitely flirting with you. It’s all about saving the feelings
            The other type of lying is the one to avoid trouble. This one time in 8th grade, two friends and I “couldn’t” hear the bell from where we were hanging out in the girls bathroom, well we knew it rang, but we were faking ignorance. We ended up going back to class and saying, “We’re so sorry Ms.                      .We didn’t hear the bell.” We still got in trouble, but it sounded better than, “We’re sorry, but we didn’t want to go to class so we hid out in the bathroom.” Those are the only types of lying that are allowed in my book! (Literally)