"We're all mad here"

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jean Purses!

Hey there! Its How to Thursday and Imma gonna show you how to do what I do best! Jean Purses! Here are my lovely step by step instructions.
1.      Take a pair of old jeans and cut off the legs. (If these are wide leg jeans, this will work a lot better, then you only need to use one leg and the other can be used for a strap.)
2.      Take one leg and split it at the seam. Now you have a fat and long piece of denim fabric.
3.      Take your fabric and fold it in half hot dog style. The even out the fabric so it’s a rectangle.
4.      Take the fabric and cut it along the short side about in half, or however big you want your purse to be. (Your jean is a rectangle, cut the short side of the rectangle.)
5.      Take the two halves of your cut denim and sew them together on three sides. You might want a sewing machine.
6.      So now you have a purse with an unfinished top, so just fold over the top so that the unfinished part is inside of the purse and hem.
7.      Now you need a strap. I leave my straps unfinished, but you can hem it if you like. Cut a length of denim from your other pant leg to the length you wish your strap to be. If you want a really long strap, sew two pieces together. Then take the two ends of the strap and sew each to the corners of the purse.
8.      Now you technically have a purse, but what I like to do is color on them with fabric markers and sharpies and just make them mine. :) Be creative!


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