"We're all mad here"

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Hey der!! So, going off the title, I am a real live teenage girl! Holy shit, what a miracle! Have you not heard of me? I'm the gossip down the street, I'm the school ho who is sadly misunderstood, I'm in your backyard, I'm living right next door, I'm living across the street, and I'm all of them. I am a teenage girl. And this is a blog with a whole lot of crap that maybe you and your friends or buddies or whatever you call them would like to know, or understand. I do a new blog post every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. The themes are as follows
Mondays: life
       Meaning basically I talk about random things that go on in life that realte to us teenagers! For example check out my next post, its on lying :)
Thursdays: How to
       I'll explain how to do things, like make a jean purse, or how to be a better person or random things like that. You give me something you wna tto know how to do, and I will find a way to do it!
Saturday: You
       There are a lot of things I can cover in this, there's your body, your lovelife, your anything! Give me questions, give me your stories, artwork, anything and I will get it up here! :)

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