"We're all mad here"

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I have realized that I haven't done a post on kissing yet, and this is something that I am very passionate about. So a little background on my kissing experiences. My first kiss was when I was 11, the guy was 15. It was one of those kind just having your mouths pressed to each other and having a tiny bit of tongue motion going on, not enough to be a French kiss however. My next kiss(es) came from my boyfriend when I was 12, to tell the truth, we were more friends with benefits than boyfriend and girlfriend, we never went on a date, but we did kiss, a lot. He was a really bad kisser, one of those that has their mouth open to big, and slobbers. Literally, I'd end up with a ring of slobber around my mouth, it was disgusting. But I liked the guy, we kissed a lot. I got to second base with this guy, he felt my boobs and saw my boobs, all those lovely things. (In case you wanted to know, we ended up breaking up 4 months in because he was hitting on other people more than he was hitting on me.) Now my last kiss was just last week, and oh my goodness was it good. I'll go more into it in a bit, because that instance is a big part of what I’m drawing my advice from. So now you’re thinking, she has only kissed 3 people, how the hell is she experienced? Love, I have friends who have kissed many people, and I have friends who have gone farther than kissing. They're advice is mingled in here. So anyway, you've been living under a rock, right? Because you have no idea what kissing is! Well your Auntie Brina is here to help. For those of you who know what this lovely life experience is, keep reading there is many kissing tips to come! :D
Dictionary Definition: touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting.
Urban Dictionary Definitions:
1.      The act of expressing desire and passion for another. Kisses can be strong and passionate, very heated, backed by strong desire. Or they can be soft and gentle, there is a longing for more, but little is more. (Erica)
2.      The sweetest thing a guy can do without being an ass. (ILOVEKISSES)
My Definition: Touching your lips to someone else’s in a moment of passion or a dare, or because you feel it’s the right thing to do in that moment.
      This brings me into my long guide to kissing! You guys ready?
Reasons why to kiss:
1.      You’re desperately/ madly in love with the person. If you are this in love, you are probably already kissing them, but maybe not.
2.      It’s a dare. Not quite as lovely and romantical, but it could still be fun ;)
3.      It’s the end of a date, and the other person is saying goodnight. This could end up being a make-out session (That was a really good date and you are really sexually attracted), a quick peck (you’re cute and shy and it was still a really good date), a peck on the cheek (Oh sweetie, the date either sucked, was a cute date, you’re not attracted to him, or you are very shy or they are), a hug (you guys went out as friends, you’re not comfortable kissing him on the first date, they are just so huggable), you walk away without any sign of affection and shut the door (That was a really shitty date, they’re a horrible person, or your parent is on the front step with a shotgun)
4.      You just feel like kissing someone. This is perfectly okay just as long as the other person knows that you don’t actually like them and you just are amazing sexually attracted to them.
Reasons why not to kiss:
1.      You know the other person likes you, and you are just looking for a good time. This will result in very hurt feelings and no chance of a repeat.
2.      You just broke up with your significant other and you’re looking for a rebound because you’re upset. Once again with the hurt feelings.
3.      You feel obligated to. You guys have been going out for a week/a month/a year/ a day and your friends are all “What? You haven’t kissed so and so yet? You’re so innocent.” Don’t listen to them, kiss when you feel ready. Or if your significant other is freaking out because they haven’t gotten some in a while and you’re not giving them any. Even if they say that they’ll break up with you if you don’t do it, they’re just peer pressuring you.
4.      They’re someone else’s significant other. Even if they tell you that they’re in an open relationship with the other person, don’t do it. You could wind up with your ass beat.
Types of kisses:
To be completely honest, I don’t know the names of half of the kisses I do, I just do them. And if you go in there with a list in your head of kisses you are definitely going to do, it won’t make the experience spontaneous or nearly half as enjoyable. These are just kisses that I have had and enjoyed.J

The hickey: A hickey is basically someone sucking and/or biting on a body part of yours so it leaves a bruise. Well I can’t say that I’ve actually gotten one of these. When I was making out with this guy, he started to give me one, but I didn’t let him. Let me tell you why. It felt amazing, and this is coming from a girl who hates having her neck touched. It was the biggest turn on, on the planet, however ladies if you don’t have foundation don’t let your boy give you a hickey. Me and the guy I was kissing number one weren’t supposed to be kissing, number two I don’t have good foundation. Now if you don’t have foundation and you do end up with a hickey, there’s a few things to try. There’s the classic, I burned my neck with a curling iron or straightener excuse, you could try and just powder it, or you can just wear something that covers it up. Don’t put your hair in a ponytail that day.  

The French kiss: I could probably write pages on this kiss. It’s the one where its open and you put your tongue in the other person’s mouth. Rather than go on rambling on the bad ones that I’ve had and the great ones that I’ve had, I’d rather go with a quick list of tips J
1.      Swallow beforehand. Last thing you want is your person to feel like they’re making out with a cup of water. Then they end up with this ring of slobber around there mouth and it just isn’t fun.
2.      Be mindful of your tongue. Keep it moving, there’s nothing worse than a flaccid tongue in your mouth. It feels like a slug. Also do not take it and shove it down there throat. It isn’t pleasant and if they have an easily triggered gag reflex you might cause them to throw up. Fast, kind of flicking motions or circles is always good.
3.      Breathe. You don’t want to pass out in the middle of making out with someone. Either master the art of breathing through your nose, or take breaks. I have a bad habit of talking when I need a break, but that isn’t always a bad thing. Or I’ll lean back and kiss him on the cheek or chest. Just remember breathing is important.
4.      This will come up more in the touching section of this, but don’t forget to keep your hands moving. It adds more to the experience.
The kiss where the person bites your lip or you bite there’s: Holy hell this is the sexiest thing on the planet. The guy last week, let’s call him Mr. Last guy, did it and it is so hot and just damn. I don’t know how he did it, I’m just putting it out there if you want to majorly turn on your partner kind of suck there bottom lip into your mouth and bite softly. I think that’s how he did it, hell I don’t even know. I just think it’s amazing.

I surprisingly can’t think of anymore types of kissing specifically. Everything gets thrown into those. However there is much more to kissing. Specifically touching. I have to admit, I like being touched. I like being felt up and maybe that’s because the two guys who I’ve really kissed are very touchy feely. They’re ass and boob grabbers and that’s okay with me. Some people will when they kiss you like something to hold onto. But if you don’t like that, don’t very be afraid to tell whoever it is that that isn’t okay with you. And if they get upset by that, then they weren’t worthy of your kiss to begin with. Anyway back to my advice on touching. Here’s my tips J
1.      You know the thing they do in movie where the guy lifts up the girl so he’s basically holding her up by the thighs/ass and she’s straddling him. Yeah, if you ever find a partner strong enough to do this and theres a moment where they will. Take it. Seize that moment by the balls and go for it. Because it is the hottest thing on the planet.
2.      Boob grabbing. People will vary in how they do it. Some, Mr. Middle guy in my relationship past, are really gentle. Like if they’re barely touching you. Mr. Last guy went the completely different direction and was rough. I like his way. I like a guy seeming like they are in control. I’m about to be really blunt here, but I am going to quickly explain how to not put your mouth on a girls boob. Do not act like you are giving your auntie a kiss. That is as far as I am going with this, you can figure out how to work a girls boob on your own other than that. Just girls, know that they will vary in technique, but if you tell them how you like it, they will most likely listen.
3.      Ass grabbing. This is always a it happens in my relationships. My first kiss with Mr. middle guy he grabbed my ass. It’s not really a big deal and the only advice I can really give for it, is no nails, please. Nobody wants little crescent moons in there ass. Just putting that out there.
4.      Hands. Keep them moving. Touch their stomach, their neck, and their legs, touch it all. It makes all of them feel wanted. Plus it’s a bit of a distraction when you both need to breathe. My tip with this is to keep your touch light on tenderer areas, it should just kind of feel like you are running a feather over them.
5.      Okay, I almost forgot to bring this up, but I can’t leave it out. There is one specific area where some people just love to go. And sometimes it’s after a while of dating, sometimes they try to do the first kiss. (That isn’t a keeper) You all know what I’m talking about. Your “Virginia” as a very good friend of mine calls hers. All I can say, because I don’t know what all girls want when its being touched is, don’t be too rough. And if she says no, stop immediately, and unless she brings your hand back down her herself don’t go for the gold again. And don’t make her feel bad because she won’t let your hand meet Virginia just yet.

I think I’ve covered most of it now. There could possibly be a part two if I realize I forgot something, but I hope I helped you all out, just a bit. Love you all, and hopefully talk to you soon! There has been a lot of stupid drama going on so I haven’t had time to write, but hopefully this long post makes up for it.

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